Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Birthday Party: Fourth Post

Sorry I'm late with the post today! 
I'm doing a huge partnership at my job and it has been crazy lately.  It has taken me a while to decide to do this, but after three years in a half , I guess it's time to take my project out of it's comfortable zone and dream big.

I'm very excited!

I'm also behind here.

I'm a very organized person by nature. Being a mom of a ADHD boy, I've learned to be even more organized, so our environment can flow better. 
So, why does it seems I'm always behind with my blog?

I have no idea! lol

Really, I have finished several books that I haven't been able to write the review yet. 
I love writing reviews, but I usually like to think about them carefully and I try to bring something unique for each critique, even when it's not a very good one. 

I have posted one today already, but I hope I will be able to write at least three more today.

If you would like to see them, this is my review page:

Oh, I would like to remind everybody, before you read any of my reviews:

this is an adult only blog, intended for 18+ only

I'm posting the daily giveaway now, but I will leave it running until tomorrow at the end of day, because I was late today!

I've been announcing the winners daily on the previous posts. So, please check it out if it's not you.

Thanks for visiting and good luck!

Grand Prize Giveaway

Today's Giveaway


  1. I like if a review contains buy links and basic info like genre and if it's part any series etc. I prefer reading shorter reviews and I LOVE fangirling reviews. :)

  2. I want objective reviews of the book. Not "I interact w/ this author on twitter, so I have to squee over her book" but why the characters had depth or dimension, why the plot devices did or didn't work, etc. Doesn't have to be eloquent but it's not all gifs, exclamation points, and squeeing. I also want either a goodreads, website, or amazon link to the author or the book. Nothing is more frustrating than reading a great review and then having to hunt the book down. Thanks for the fun giveaway and Happy Birthday!!!

  3. I really like to see and HONEST opinion of the book, not a sugar coating to appease the author but what you REALLY thought.

  4. For a review, I'd like to see a synopsis of the book as I might read it even if the reviews aren't so favorable cuz I'm crazy like that. Also, I'd prefer to see how and why the book works or not works for you. It doesn't need to be a lengthy nitpicking of details or flaws, just an honest opinion. And last, the official links to amazon, kobo and I don't have to waste my time tracking the book down when I could spend it reading the book myself.

  5. I like reviews to be honest and truly how the reader felt. I also like it when they describe the book in their own words because sometimes the actual book synopsis is always enough.

  6. I like to see a brief description of the book and an honest review. It's also nice to be able to find the buy links easily.

  7. I like reviews that are with sub topics like the romance, character development, the plot, word building. It's much more easier to read reviews like that. And I love when bloggers use GIFs in their reviews.

  8. I like to find a short summary, genre, series number or if it's a standalone novel, and a short review without spoilers.

  9. I like honest options about the book

  10. If the blurb is included in the post, I don't need a summary of the book again by the reviewer unless the reviewer thinks it leaves out important info or if the reviewer thinks it's misleading, otherwise I just want to know what the reviewer liked and didn't like.

  11. The information that I like to find in a review is how the writer wove the story together, does it flow well?
    How are the characters written, are they deep or surface? Honestly, I just like reading other people's opinions of stories. :)
    Thank you for sharing yours.

  12. I like to know a little about the people in the book and if its a series
